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LIT 2024!

LIT 2024 will take place August 9-13, and schedule and logistics will be released soon! Hope to see you all then!

- LIT Organizers

LIT 2023 Epilogue

LIT 2023 has come to a very successful finish! This year, we had over 1,407 teams register and thousands of contestants competing globally for a prize pool worth over $40,000. Just during the Standard Round, we received a total of 4,465 submissions. The LIT Organizers would like to thank everyone for their support and enthusiasm this year! We hope you enjoyed our problems and learned something along the way ❤️

Congratulations to all of our winners for their superb performance! Thank you all so much for coming, and we hope to see you again next year!

- LIT Organizers


LIT CTF and Standard rounds have ended! Thanks for playing!

We've contacted the winners by email, and you can expect to see the Standard Round results soon when we publish the end-of-contest epilogue in the archive. You can view the Opening Ceremony here.

LIT 2023 🔥

LIT (Lexington Informatics Tournament) is a competitive programming tournament for contestants of all levels, hosted by members of the LexMACS club along with many guest problemsetters/testers.

Participants may form teams of up to three, solving challenges together. We'll have an opening ceremony (8/4 8:00pm ET), and teams will choose when during the contest window (8/4 9:00pm to 8/8 11:59pm ET) to start the Standard Round. When the window ends, scores will be compiled and we will release a leaderboard.

We also run a CTF Round, which will be open from 8/5 11am to 8/7 11:59pm ET with a live scoreboard. Teams have all 3 days to work on it. Additionally, teams with exceptional performance will also receive certain prizes. For more information about the two rounds, please check the contest logistics.

Please join us in the LIT Discord Server for the latest announcements, help, or team formation.

LIT 2023 has concluded!

Thank you to all of our contestants! See you all next year! 🔥

Explore New Formats

Traditional OI format can be boring — you are given some problems in a set amount of time, and you need to solve as many problems as possible. That is why, on top of a standard format OI contest, we have continued to host a CTF round since LIT 2021 (learn more about contest logistics). Even if you are already familiar with competitive programming, we promise that the CTF round will provide a whole new refreshing experience.


August 4th, 2023

August 5th, 2023

August 7th, 2023

August 8th, 2023

Team Formation

People of all ages may participate, but only teams composed solely of high school/middle school students are eligible for prizes (we may have an additional award for non-eligible participants). Students may form teams of up to three, and are allowed to discuss in-contest, access the internet, and use reference books. However, communication between teams is strictly forbidden during the contest window, and any teams identified as having done so will be disqualified. You can create two separate teams for the Standard and CTF rounds if you have different teammates.

Standard Round

The standard round's format is similar to USACO. You are given 8 problems and 3 hours to solve them. You can complete this round at any time during our 5-day contest window. For the first three problems, the difficulty will be about bronze to silver USACO level, focusing less on efficiency and more on the ability to program. As for the last five problems, their difficulties will be approximately gold to platinum, and only well-optimized programs can pass.

Each of the 10 problems will have 10 testcases, and each correct testcase will be worth 10 points. The maximum possible score for Standard Round will be 1000 points. Only the last submission for a problem will count for your score, and time penalty will be determined by the last submission, not last score-increasing submission.

CTF Round

In CTF, you are given a series of challenges related to cybersecurity topics such as Web Exploitation, Forensics, Reverse Engineering, Cryptography, Binary Exploit, etc. And you have to solve the challenge to capture the flag, which you submit for points! You can learn more about it in our CTF contest page once you login. Note that unlike the Standard Round's 3 hours duration, you can work on the CTF round during the entirety of the 3-day contest window. You can find even more details on CTF once you login and go to the Contest Page.


Participants are allowed to submit their program in the following 3 languages: C++17, Java 11, or Python 3.6.9. After submission, you are immediately given feedback. However, similar to USACO, you won't know exactly where you're wrong. Instead, you will receive one of the following 4 results: C (Correct), W (Wrong Answer), T (Time Limit Exceeded), or R (Runtime Error/Memory Limit Exceed).


Standard Round Prizes

5 year upgrades for Taskade + year of WolframAlpha Notebook Edition for all winners in this category.

CTF Round Prizes

5 year upgrades for Taskade + year of WolframAlpha Notebook Edition for all winners in this category.

Writeup Prizes


Game Night Prize

$50 FOR THE BEST GAMERS AMONG US (not necessarily playing Among Us)


Future Programmers


Raffle Prizes